About us

It is to recognize and reaffirm the New Testament model of apostolic and prophetic ministry in function, ordination and governance. We seek to train and equip apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors, through teaching and imparting to produce an Antiochian model that will facilitate the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the reformation of apostolic and present truths to the body of Christ (2 Peter 1:12).

We teach and impart present truths to the body of Christ through the five ministries by means of conferences, seminars, leadership institutes, making resources available through communication networks.

The five purposes of our mission are found in these two passages from Matthew 22:37-39 and Matthew 28:19-20.
- 1. Worship: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
- 2. Ministry: "Love your neighbor as yourself.
- 3. Evangelism: "Go and make disciples". 4.
- 4. Communion: "Baptize them.
- 5. Discipleship: "Teaching them to obey.